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It's... JePAWdy

With your hosts, cat experts Molly DeVoss of Cat Behavior Solutions and Stephen Quandt of Stephen Quandt Feline Behavior Associates, who are giving a fun-filled and educational presentation on cat behavior in a game show format where we explore and discuss cat behavior problems and answer your questions LIVE in a one-hour Zoom on October 5th at 7pm EST/6pm CST!


Do you and your cat need some couples counseling?

Is your cat doing things that are driving you crazy?

You've tried talking to your cat, sending them emails but they aren't getting the message?

Molly and Stephen speak "Cat" and we can help decipher whatever's going on and set you up on the path to success.


The cost is just $10, less than the cost of many cat toys!

(click here or the image above to buy your ticket)

We will try and address every question put to us, either during the session or afterward in a follow-up email.


Common problems that need assistance include aggression, cat-to-cat introductions, litter box issues, anxious cats, excessive meowing, food aggression, over-grooming, and separation anxiety to name a few!


So come join Molly and Stephen as they explain cat behavior and answer your questions in a live Q&A!


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