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Certified Feline Training & Behavior Specialist, Certified Cat Behavior Consultant, Fear Free Certified Trainer, Certified Reiki Master/Teacher
Available for Nationwide Consulting
Cat Behavior Solutions is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We rely on your donations to do our work!

The Cat Dad Show
Cracking the Code: Understanding and Transforming Cat Behavior | The Feline Wellness Summit with Molly DeVoss
You Might Want To Stop Everything You’re Doing And Ogle At These 50 Hilarious Cat Memes
AOL.COM - ... Molly DeVoss believes they're an incredible example of evolution and adaptability. "They’ve carved out a niche in human society while keeping their independence intact. Some researchers argue cats aren’t fully domesticated because they can survive independently of humans. But others point out that their behavior and genetics have changed enough to qualify as domestication. I think it’s a little of both. They’re domesticated on their own terms."

Love Me, Kitty!
YOU (South Africa) - BOND EARLY
According to Molly DeVoss, a feline training and behaviour specialist, there is a critical time in a kitten’s development where they need human interaction.
“The first three to seven weeks of their life play a significant role in how kittens respond to people,” she says.
According to Molly DeVoss, a feline training and behaviour specialist, there is a critical time in a kitten’s development where they need human interaction.
“The first three to seven weeks of their life play a significant role in how kittens respond to people,” she says.
Rescue Report -
Special-needs cats require many helpers
SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN - Erin Clark immediately reached out to the group’s cat behaviorist, Molly DeVoss, to see if she could arrange transfer of the kitten to Felines & Friends NM where she could receive the care required to improve her quality of life and have time in a foster home while she waits for adoption.

'Pet Chat' discusses clicker training for cats
SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN - Are you ready to teach your cat cool tricks? This week on Pet Chat with Murad & Bobbi, broadcasting from the Turquoise Teapot and Cat Cafe, feline behaviorist Molly DeVoss will discuss an Aug. 25 class, Cat Clicker Training. DeVoss will share how clicker training and positive reinforcement can teach cats new behaviors. Plus, the show hosts discuss the benefits of adopting a pair of kittens.
Why Cats Chew on Cords and How You Can Stop It
ROVER.COM - "Cats are not known to chew as frequently as dogs. However, it does happen,” says Certified Feline Behaviorist Molly DeVoss.

Himalayan Cat's Rage Over Getting a Bath Is Pure Internet Gold
PARADE PETS - According to what certified feline training and behavior specialist Molly DeVoss told Rover, cats have evolved in dry climates, so being in water doesn't feel natural to them, and they're also not huge fans of the feeling of being wet.
Keeping Felines Safe: Best Cat Gates of 2024
VETSTREET - One of the best ways to keep felines out of harm’s way is with a cat gate. If you need a taller gate that your kitty won’t be able to jump over, a walk-through gate is a good option.

6 Silvervine Cat Toys That Drive Felines Wild
VETSTREET - Give your cats a break from Silvervine now and then. “To keep their experience fresh, it is important that you give your cats a break from it; otherwise, with constant exposure, they will become unresponsive to it,” says Molly DeVoss, a Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist. “If you use it too often, they may become nose blind to it,” adds Van de Kieft.
Laughter As Cat Reenacts Moment Told of Sibling: 'World Came Crashing Down'
NEWSWEEK - Molly DeVoss, a certified feline training and behavior specialist and certified cat behavior consultant, told Newsweek in May that a cat and a kitten can still become best friends, even if there were to be a huge age gap. But "that pathway won't be without potholes along the way," she added.

Can You Learn to Meow Like Your Cat? Yes and No, According to an Animal Behavioralist
INVERSE - “It's kind of a yes-no answer,” Molly DeVoss, a cat behavior specialist, tells Inverse. Cats do recognize different pitches and tones, she says. In fact, cats seem to pay attention to the way their owners address them and can recognize whether they’re being spoken to based on voice and tone.
Vitakraft (R) Announces 'The Trick & Treat Halloween Costume Contest’ for Pets
NEWSWIRE - As part of the contest’s interactive nature, Molly DeVoss, a Certified Feline Training & Behavior Specialist, will share tips to ensure pets are safe and comfortable. For example, for cats, "During Halloween, there are frequent door openings as trick-or-treaters come and go. Make sure your cat doesn’t slip out by accident. If you don't confine your cat to a safe room, consider using a baby gate at the front door."

Do Cats Have A Favorite Person? Plus, 5 Ways To Be Their No. 1
ROVER.COM - Molly DeVoss, a Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist and founder of Cat Behavior Solutions, says these signs include the following: click to read more
Do Cats Know Their Names—Or Are They Ignoring You On Purpose?
ROVER.COM - Molly DeVoss, Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist and founder of Cat Behavior Solutions says cats are smart enough to respond to nicknames, too. “As long as calling their name is associated with something great, they will respond to it,” she adds.

Why Does My Cat Eat Plastic? Veterinarians Reveal The Surprisingly Simple Answer
INVERSE - The general term for eating an item that isn’t food is called pica (PIE-ca). Anyone — not just our pets — can have this condition, but pica can be especially dangerous to pets because it may cause a life-threatening intestine or bowel obstruction. Molly DeVoss, a cat behavior specialist, tells Inverse that she doesn’t know of any particular chemical compound that cats and dogs might be attracted to.
Cat Falling in Love With Kitten Sibling Melts Heart: 'A Bond Like No Other'
NEWSWEEK - Molly DeVoss is a certified feline training and behavior specialist (CFTBS) and certified cat behavior consultant (CCBC). She previously told Newsweek that all new cat introductions should be done slowly and methodically.

What are safe petting zones?
PET CANDY - Most cats like to be pet from what I call the collar-up. They like to be scratched under their collar—it’s kind of like at the end of the day when behind your bra strap it really itches a lot. It probably feels good like that.
How to Train a Cat: A Guide to Training Your Feline to Respond to Commands and Curb Bad Behaviors
READER'S DIGEST - “Cats are motivated by positive attention, playtime and food—food is the biggie,” says Molly DeVoss, a certified feline training and behavior specialist and Vitakraft’s cat advisor in Dallas. “The secret to successful cat training is having a knock-your-paws-off treat that will entice them to behave in ways that might not be natural to them.”

Cat Talk Radio with Molly DeVoss and Co-host Dewey Vaughn: How do you teach Animal Welfare?
LGBTSr Website - A listener wrote in about her community and their lack of respect for animal welfare – especially to the community cats.
Do Cats Like Kisses (Or Even Know What They Are)?
ROVER.COM - “Cats do not see our lip-to-lip kisses as any type of behavior that would be normal to their species,” says Molly DeVoss, Certified Cat Behavior Consultant. Nonetheless, some cats might entertain our kisses because they love us. Other cats may choose to maintain their boundaries.

Should I Let My Cat Go Outdoors? 3 Reasons to Keep Your Pet Inside
INVERSE - “From antifreeze leaks to rodenticides to toxic plants to your neighbor’s bug spray, there are countless toxins out there waiting to poison your pet." DeVoss says…
How Long Can You Leave Cats Alone? Is It Safe?
ROVER.COM - “Adult cats shouldn’t be left alone for more than 24 hours — and only that long if you can provide fresh meals in meal timers at regular intervals and plenty of enrichment and entertainment,” says Molly DeVoss

The Ultimate Guide to Sleeping with Your Cat
SLEEP ADVISOR - “Cats are attracted to places that smell most like them – and you. The bed is probably the place in your home that smells most like you and your cat if he sleeps with you. Cats are also creatures of habit; once a habit is established, it’s challenging to change that routine.” Molly DeVoss….
Cat Putting Kitten in a Headlock Leaves Internet in Stitches: 'This Hurts'
NEWSWEEK - Molly explained that "mismatched play styles are one of the biggest challenges when pairing a very young and very old cat together."

The 10 largest litter boxes for big cats and enthusiastic diggers
INVERSE - “A litter box should be 1.5 times the length of your cat from nose to tail, according to Molly…”
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