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Go Skate Day

Shelter Euthanasia

is the #1 cause of death
in cats in the U.S.

"The cats are SO much happier, friendlier and have not urinated anywhere BUT their litter box in over a week!!! We can't thank you enough." Lindley A.

Before you rehome your cat, or take it to the shelter, consider the U.S. numbers:

  • There are 62 million pet cats + 60-100 million homeless cats

  • 3.2 million cats are surrendered to shelters annually

  • About 1.4 million cats are euthanized in shelters each year (Not all shelters report their numbers.)

  • "Behavior Issues" is a leading reason reported by owners surrendering their cat(s)

Clearly we are facing a cat crisis in the U.S.

*According to World Animal Foundation National Kitten Coalition  

** National Library of Medicine

Before you give up on your cat, try a behavior consultation!

Learn more about behavior consults here.

“Words can't describe how much gratitude my daughter and I have for Molly's guidance, direction, and patience. She is truly one of a kind and the world is blessed to have such a phenomenal cat expert.”




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